Patagonia has some beautiful rivers are perfect for kayaking different levels. When you go for kayaking in Bariloche, you not only enjoy kayaking but also see the beauty of wildlife, forest surroundings and different flora. Like several visits in Lake Nahuel Huapi will help you enjoy some of the places are not accessible.
Bariloche is often known as brown central Argentina with many places to enjoy various types of chocolate. You can enjoy some delicious chocolate in places such as Rapa Nui, Estrella Alpina, Museo del Chocolate Fenoglio and Tante Frida among a number of other places.
Nahuelito Theme Park
At Theme Park Nahuelito, you can see the grove of trees and can take advantage of the tour. Do not be surprised to see the forest dwelling dinosaurs, elves and other spirits in the garden. In fact, you may experience a gnome in an ancient dwelling with various types of equipment around. Your wonderful trip in the park would be complete without a look at life-size dinosaur peeking out of tree branches. Plus, you'll also see a lot of prehistoric animals as well. The statues are made and assembled by specialists in the province of Neuquén replica. Within one hour tour, you will get to learn and experience things so much from different time periods.
Rotating at Mount Otto
With the help of the cable car, you can reach the summit of Mount Otto from which you will enjoy the scenery around Bariloche. There is a coffee shop on the mountain where you can enjoy some great food, sitting on a moving platform and enjoy the natural beauty of the beautiful from the outside. From the above, you can see Lake Nahuel Huapi along with many of its islands. In the basement of the store, there is an art gallery which pays tribute to the Italian sculptor Michelangelo. Other activities include hiking on Mount Otto in the mountains in company specialized guides.
Visit the brewery Blessed
Bariloche visit would be complete without a traditional brewery tour featuring the craft brewing process overall. Outside the brewery, you will find a small truck that belongs to the year 1929. The truck was used to transfer barrels of beer to customers in the place. After you enter the brewery, you will be guided throughout the tour. Plus, you can taste several types of beer are brewed here.
Visit Quetrihué and Myrtle-Tree Forest
Landscape forest myrtle trees cover most of the old specimens of Chile. You need a ferry that will take you to the myrtle-tree forest located on the Peninsula Quetrihué. When you cross Lake Nahuel Huapi, you will enjoy extensive views of the various types of flora and color. Once you enter the woods, you'll see a variety of different types of Myrtles who mostly live near the water to grow fully. This forest is standing there for 250 years with unique beauty for tourists like you to enjoy.

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